Thursday 12 May 2016

How much should you pay for coaching?

How much should you pay for coaching?

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How much should I pay for coaching? I hear a lot of people asking me and some of my colleagues, too.
If you remember one of my previous blogs, Why do people not invest in their minds? I briefly mention the cost of various “treats” we tend to go for as a whole.
There is nothing wrong with treating oneself on a regular basis, weekly or monthly; though, if these treats are not tackling the underlying cause of our “issues”, wouldn’t it be better to invest in ourselves? And overcome our obstacles and limiting beliefs?
Based on what I just said, my answer would be: pay as much as you possible can to shift your mind and get you going…
Yesterday, I shared with you the 2 accidents I saw and the other one I heard on the radio… it really got me thinking and I asked: How long have we got left?
People will not remember us for how good looking or muscular we were, whether we wore Prada, Gucci or a Rolex; people will not care for how many times we went out to the movies, theatre or dining out.
People will only remember us for how we made them feel and any legacy we may have left behind.
You might have heard me talk about leaving a legacy quite a lot, and to be honest (in my personal opinion) this is what really matters, leaving a legacy, ensuring our families are taken care of when we are gone, that the world will remember us for what we did, that everyone we met was left feeling better after having been with us.
These luxuries we go for (and I include myself!) are just a form of escapism, we know what we should be doing, we know when are not on track, we just know it, it is in our DNA to differentiate between what is “good” and what isn’t, what we should be doing and what we shouldn’t be doing.
Just imagine a pair of X shoes (I just saw a nice pair on leopard print), they sell for £550 and more, that money depending on where you are in the world can buy you from 1 to 10 coaching sessions.
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The average person sees a coach for 10 sessions, that same pair of shoes, could potentially enable you to work on a mindset shift or goal, and make many times over that amount of money, so had you invested that money on yourself, you could have bought yourself 10 more pairs if you saw the value of being coached.
How much should you pay to be coached?
The more you pay, the better because you will truly value what you are getting. If you see it just as a couple of “bucks” you will not value it, therefore you will not get the results you want.
There is a direct relation between price paid and results, the more you pay, the bigger the rewards, the more you get from it.
Want to get working on some goals? Want to go from stress to success? Want more confidence in your life?
Take my 30-minutes free consultation.
I hope you have enjoyed today’s read, as always like, comment and share.
With all my love.
From my heart to yours,

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