Sunday 15 May 2016

Happiness Vs Satisfaction

Happiness Vs Satisfaction

Untitled design (1)
Today as I was going to pick my partner up to the airport (after a whole week without him!), the following thought crossed my mind:
Are people confusing happiness with satisfaction?
The reason this thought crossed my mind was because I had a moment of gratitude and I felt utter happiness and bliss for I realised my partner and I have a life that a lot of people dream of, we totally live to our purpose and we have “jobs” that we love.
Even though I felt utter and sheer joy I stopped and reflected on it.
I just could not stop asking myself the question how many people would be happy in my shoes and how many others would just be satisfied or dissatisfied (“unhappy”)?
As I have expressed before “some” people confuse success with money, yet happiness does not feature in the equation; others without the “lifestyle” are happy because they “feel” they are successful, for the they have a roof over their heads, they can pay their bills and still have “some” money left to afford some luxuries and they live to their purpose.
Equally, I thought satisfaction can be seen as a form of “giving up”, where people would say: “I am happy”, “I am satisfied” or “I am content with what I have”.
I want to bring this “thought” of mine to your awareness so you are mindful of where you are at. Are you growing, or are you stagnant?
Happiness and gratitude can be seen as a “double edged sword”, it is either a good place to be in because you truly feel it and embrace it, or you could simply be totally “defeated” and you feel there isn’t any point left.
On the other hand, you could totally feel on top of the world for you have achieved your every goal and you continue to grow and evolve as a human being.
I hope you have enjoyed my thoughts from today.
Please as always like, comment and share.
With all my love.
From my heart to yours,


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