Wednesday 4 May 2016

Embracing Your Flaws

Embracing Your Flaws

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

I have many facets (no pun intended due to the nature of the subject), and one of my many passions is Crystal Healing & Mineral Collecting.
The day I got my very first crystal, that day I was “hooked”.
Due to the kind of person I am when I start something new, I give it my all and I get stuck in.
So, when I first got involved with crystals I decided to become an “expert” about their origin, their properties, colour etc.
Today I was having a conversation with a lady who works as a manager in a second-hand jeweller, so we got talking about crystals and gems and how beautiful they are.
As soon as we got into the subject of faceting and polishing gems I shared my views saying the following: when we facet and polish stones we are adding stress to the mineral and quite frankly corrupting something that was perfect in the first place and...
“Flaws give the minerals their uniqueness, their character and beauty…”
When I heard myself saying that I thought (man, I am good!) who are we to comment and critique people’s flaws?
What gives us the power to do so?
You know the answer. No one!
We don’t know what someone has gone through in their lives, we don’t know what has happened for them to be the way they are.
In terms of gems a diamond gets to become a diamond because of the amount of pressure it has gone through.
Though, that is not good enough for us… we feel we have to change it and make it even brighter.
But, by whose standards?
Do we hear the diamond say, oh please make me even brighter?
No, we do not!
Same principle applies to people.
If someone is flawed, so what? They are perfect just the way they are. If they want to be helped, if they want their flaws gone, then someone can act on them and help them overcome their “flaws”.
I hope you have enjoyed today's topic.
Please like, comment and share.
Till next time.
With all my love.
From my heart to yours.


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