Sunday 18 September 2016

Are you standing for the life of your dreams?

Are you standing for the life of your dreams?

Have you ever asked yourself the following question?
Am I being a stand for the life of my dreams?
Just think about this question and answer it to yourself.

However, what is a stand?

A stand (in my opinion) is a solid foundation where you can build and grow anything and I mean any dream and goal and come from it, nothing or no one will come between the person and their goals if the foundation is solid.
Are you standing (or being a stand) for the life of your dreams?
What does it take to be a stand?
You have heard me talk about declaring what you want, setting boundaries, keeping a journal, setting goals, eating healthily, reading, etc. etc., these are the actions someone who is a stand for their lives takes.
When you stand for your dreams you learn to say no to distractions, you do what some people would never even dream of doing, you keep in your mind 24/7 the life you want to create.
What happens when you don’t stand for what you want?
Truth be told nothing happens, you are just daydreaming and “hoping” you will have a magical “breakthrough” and that suddenly life will be “better”.
You do nothing, nothing happens, it is that simple.
I know many people who have dreamed of being a doctor and have made it happen because they were a stand for that dream, equally I have met people who wanted this and that and the other and quite frankly did nothing, they did not stand for their dreams and now they are either “stuck in a rut” or regretting what could’ve been.
Being a stand is much more than just saying what you want or what you are going to do but it is honouring your word and doing just that when no one is watching.
Getting up at ridiculous o’clock so you can read or cook your children’s meal, or plan your goals for the next month.
It is really easy to be applied and disciplined and a real stand; though, it is even easier to do nothing and accomplish nothing.
As ever the choice is yours, you either are a stand for the life of your dreams or you are not.
Till next time, with all my love,


Are you setting enough boundaries?

Are you setting enough boundaries?

Life is life! This is a fact!
What I mean by this is that life will happen, throw things at us and will distract us, whether we want it or not!
Though, what can we do?
Before I can tell what we can do, I will tell you what most people do, most people just give in! They give up and say goodbye to their future when the going gets tough…
Why does this happen?
I can give it to you in one word, boundaries… people have very few or no boundaries at all!

What is a boundary?

A boundary (in my opinion) is a protected area where we do not allow any person or thing to distract us and take us away from what we want or what we are doing.
When you have boundaries and you say to your spouse between 3 & 5 pm every Saturday is my reading time, you do what you want but at that moment in time I want to read a good book that will help me achieve my goals in life.
Doesn’t it seem simple?
It definitely is, however, most people just have no boundaries whatsoever!
I have a very simple system I learned from a fellow colleague and NLP Trainer, my boundaries system is a traffic light system, it goes as follows:
Red: Do not even think about it (you can knock on my door in emergencies),
Yellow: You may come in, just be polite and knock before you come in, and
Green: I am not busy come and go as you please!
My partner 100% understands this and I am delighted I was introduced to this system to become more efficient.
So, think about it, are you setting the right and enough boundaries to accomplish you goals or simply to have just you time?
Are you allowing yourself enough time and space to think with clarity?
We need our own “me” time in order to become more effective and efficient, we just forget to do it.
Do you have a boundaries system?
I would love to hear from you.
Till next time, with all my love,


Are you declaring your intentions?

Are you declaring your intentions?

Often I hear people talking about dreams and fantasising what they will do “someday” when they have more time, when they have more money, when the kids are at school or when they have better health…
Does it sound familiar?
To me, it totally does! Simply because I have been there. I have wished and dreamed and hoped, and in the end taken zero actions.

Are you declaring your intentions?

It wasn’t until I learned that in order to accomplish and achieve anything in live we must declare our intentions to the world, tell absolutely everyone we meet what our intentions for our future is.
There are two types of people in the world, those who declare their goals and dreams to the world and those who don’t.
Guess which ones are more successful?
You got it, the ones who tell the world what their intentions are.
See, this is what happens when we tell people what we will be doing in a month or six down the line, people are watching us and they remind us when they see us next… and the next time, and the next until it happens.
What happens when we tell no one of our intentions?
Absolutely nothing happens if we don’t tell anything to anyone. I will give you the writing of my book Growing Confident as an example, I told every single person I met that I was writing a book in self-help/personal-development and I gave them as much detail as possible and even publishing dates, etc., etc.… and it happened just like that, the very same way I described it to everyone.
Now, can you see the power of declaring what you want with the world.
I can give you another example, I am working on a second book in the field of personal development, I have been “working” on it for months, though I haven’t told anyone about it and guess what? I haven’t made much progress because I haven’t declared… Though I am declaring my second book will be published by the end of the year.
You want something to happen, you can 100% make it happen if you declare to the world and tell every single human being you come across.
I would love to hear about you and those occasions you have declared to the world your intentions and how you got on.
Till next time,


Friday 9 September 2016

Whose advice should you listen to?

Whose advice should you listen to?

Would you take advice from your uncle who has been broke from as long as you remember? Or,
Would you take advice from Sir Richard Branson?
We go our day to day life listening to people near us, who are just like us and they have somehow resigned, this is it, this is my life and there is nothing I can do about it.
They mean well, though, their fears are controlling their every action and they are passing that onto whomever they meet or come across.
Can you see where we are heading here?

Who should I listen to?

You remember I wrote a blogpost recently about Being a student of what you want to achieve? One of the things I forgot to mention in that blog is that it is 100% valid and acceptable to find a mentor in that area we want to succeed at.
I will give you my personal example, when I decided to change careers people said I was mad, that I was going into an industry I knew nothing about, I was told there was no market for it, that people didn’t invest in themselves, etc., etc.
BTW, before I forget those naysayers are called “dream stealers”!
Now, going back to what I was saying, I decided to ignore those people whose lives were in similar or worse position that mine at the time; I just said, thank you for your concern but I will make my dream come true.
I got busy reading, studying and meeting people who could help me achieve my goal. I chose to ignore those who were close to me because they were in no position whatsoever to advice.
Who are you listening to when making decisions?
Who is shaping the way your future looks?
Who is in control of your actions?
Because let’s face it, many people say they are independent and the truth is that there is a whole entourage of people dictating how they should or shouldn’t live their lives.
Take advice and listen to those who can enrich your life, add value to what you working towards and believe you me, your future will be the one you want.
Just get to work, embrace those opportunities (which we can me too!) and take full control of your life.
Till next time,

How “lucky” are you?

How “lucky” are you?

Today I want to get rid of the myth “luck”.
How many times we hear people saying that such and such are lucky, or beginner’s luck; or people saying YOU are just lucky!
I am not even going to bother looking the definition of luck because it simply doesn’t interest me AND also it takes any power away from you.
You don’t like being powerless, do you?

What is it then?

I believe with every cell in my body what takes you the success you achieve in life is OPPORTUNITIES!
How many times you’ve heard that some people were at the right place, with the right people at the right time?
What we don’t hear is that not everyone takes action under those circumstances.
All of these factors, time, people and location are just opportunities… the beauty of opportunities is that we either take them and embrace or we don’t!
That’s it!
It really is that simple, there isn’t such thing as luck.
What we have at every single second of the day is opportunities that we either take or we don’t.
In any career there are various elements that can take you to the success you desire, location, education, time, people, money, etc., however, what truly makes the difference is you, and how you respond to what is being presented or available to you.
With this in mind that’s why personal development and having a coach to work with are key and extremely important because they enable us to see our blind spots and help us see an opportunity when we are presented with one.
So, what I want you to take away from today’s post is that there is no such thing as luck, only opportunities that we either take or we don’t…
Also being “lucky” is a very passive way of going about in life and embracing opportunities is empowering and gives you the control over your life.
How cool is that?
With all my love,

PS, if you have an area of your life where you are lacking confidence and want to achieve incredible success get in touch and take my 30-mins Free Consultation.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

What do you think I should do with my life?

What do you think I should do with my life?

What do you think I should do with my life?

How often have you found yourself in that situation, asking someone what should you do with your life?
Be honest!
I have and many times…
I often hear people asking me or others:
What should I do on my free time?
Where should I go on holidays?
What should I eat?
What should I wear?
What should I drink?
What movie do you recommend?
Do you get the picture?

Are you constantly looking for someone else's opinion and approval?

One of the reasons most of us, and I include myself, seek for a third party validation or approval is because we are afraid that we may make the wrong the decisions.
What if I told you that there aren’t any right or wrong decisions or experiences for that matter!
Everything we do, every action, every task, every decision brings with it a learning lesson.
When we are growing and evolving, learning from what we do is crucial to be able to embrace challenges and achieve our goals.
It doesn’t matter what you do or you don’t do even, you are always learning.
Let me explain this further.
Let’s say you start a new business venture, you are a novice at businesses and quite frankly you know very little about what is required and what do.
You will make mistakes, you will soon learn that you ideally should have some skills relevant to what you want to do, that you will need to outsource some people to compliment you with skills you don’t have, you might even need to re-educate yourself about your industry.
Once you dive in and embrace the experience you start to learn what works and what doesn’t work, either way you are learning.
Or, you might start doing some learning before you start, again, you are learning, you will read what works and what doesn’t work, what to do and what to avoid.
Also, if you do nothing with your life, talk about doing things and never do anything, you will learn or realise that you didn’t utilise your time efficiently.
You see? You are always learning…

Do you need someone’s approval or permission?

You do not need anyone to tell you what to do or not do!
You are powerful enough to make your own decisions and whatever the outcome own to it and learn from them.
At this point I would like to clarify, when you are employed or in any environment where there is a figure of authority there is an agreement that you will follow some guidelines! I just wanted to clarify that!
What I mean is in your life you call the shots, it is your life, no one else’s.
You want to know where the best holiday destination is? Go and explore as many as you possibly can, then you will learn where is the best place to do.
You want to know who is the best author? Read as much as you can and decide for yourself.
You see? It is up to you to choose what is and what isn’t worth learning.
You are strong and powerful, don’t forget it.

Give yourself permission.

Till next time, with all my love,

Tuesday 6 September 2016

How do you find your own potential?

How do you find your own potential?

Tough one, huh?
Have you ever asked yourself this question: How do I find my own potential? Or, How can I tap into my hidden potential?
Before I help you figure out how this is possible let me share my story with you…

About me

I come from Panama City, from the suburbs, from a pretty poor and rural area, all I knew was scarcity, poverty, negativity, prejudice and a host of not so nice things.
I would be lying if I said these didn’t affect me, they totally did.
My parents had to count the pennies to put food on the table, they had to leave early, come back late and then there was far too much month at the end of the paycheck.
There were two children, bills, travel expenses and all the other things that life throws at you; work, very little time with the children and almost no hope.
We would hear gun shots, we’d be told some had been robbed, stabbed, someone’s house had been broken into or worse someone had been shot.
That was all I knew…
Even with all of these things, I was fortunate I had parents who did their best to provide for us, sent me and my brother to school to one day have a better life, we were hope for them, and by that I mean, we were the evidence that even poor people if they worked hard at it they could achieve great things.
Sadly, I grew believing that only “rich” people could do and achieve things in life, any hope I ever had would be crushed almost immediately by the things I saw and would hear about.
Life was a challenge for me because I was in a very “macho” community, surrounded by catholic people and I was battling with my sexuality and my feelings towards the same sex.
I had hope, then I had nothing; I would find it again to then have it taken away by the fear and belief that I wasn’t good enough because I was gay.
I had all of that for the first 16 years of my life. Then, I tried to commit suicide, thankfully I was given a second chance to live my life!
Everything changed the moment I opened my eyes, I felt there had been a shift and I was ready to find a way and the means to create the life I knew I deserved.

How can you find your own potential?

The only way you can find your true potential is by waking up to the fact that you are capable of achieving whatever you set your mind to.
I will repeat it:
You are capable of achieving WHATEVER you set your mind to.
Whatever? I can hear you say…
Absolutely yes!!!
Let me explain this further, the only thing that stops us (see how I include myself) from accomplishing a thing or things in this life is ourselves, our mindset, our attitude, our philosophy and lack of positivity…
In my former years (life even), I had a negative attitude, I was putting myself down because of my sexual preferences, because of my background and because of what was happening around me…
I was approaching life negatively.
When I changed my mindset, the way I saw myself and my life, everything changed, yes EVERYTHING!
9 months after attempting to commit suicide I met the person who loved me more than I loved myself prior to meeting him. 2 years after meeting him I moved to England, and now my life is beyond recognition.
That 16 years old who didn’t want to be alive once would be blown by the fact that he became the successful man he is today.
If I was able to turn my life around, so can you…
This is the truth as to how you find your true potential, by waking up, snapping out of the pity party you have been in and change and shift your mindset to that of I can, I am worth it, I will do it, I am doing it and I am making it happen.
Wake up, change your mindset and outlook in life, get to work and do what you said you’d do and voila! There you have it, your potential.
That potential that hadn’t been tapped into will be reached once you believe you have it in you.
Let me tell you, you have it in you, just reach deep inside you and bring it out.
I didn’t know I had it in me till I sank to the bottom, hit rock bottom and had to go through hell.
I am telling you, you got it, just bring it out, bring it forth and start creating the life you know you deserve.
One of my hero’s Jim Rohn says:

A life worth living is a life by design!

You are the creator of your life, you get to call the shots, no one else!!!
Go out there and get to work, design your life and honour your potential.
Till next time, with all my love.
From my heart to yours,

Monday 5 September 2016

Be a student of what you want to achieve

Be a student of what you want to achieve

What do you want to achieve?
What do you want more of?
Before I started my journey in the personal development I used to walk in life “aimlessly”, wanting this and wanting that and not getting it!
I used to ask myself this question:
What am I not doing?
Where am I going wrong?
I am so happy I chose the career path I chose because I learned where I was going “wrong”.
Are you ready for it?
I wasn’t studying what I wanted to achieve or become.
Let me give you an example of what I mean: I wanted to be singer and cinema star (and this is real BTW!), yet I never ever had formal singing or acting studies.
So, how could I be an international singer or a Hollywood actor without any formal studies?
If I don’t know how to use my vocal cords accordingly and how to read music would I be able to achieve that dream?
I wasn’t hanging out with any musicians or singers and learning from them.
Am I building the picture for you?

What will becoming a student of my chosen career/goal enable me to do?

There are many reasons why we all should become students of our chosen career/goals, here are some of the most important reasons:
  1. You will learn what work for those before you, everything in life is a recipe, a system we follow and it is that simple, when we read other people’s stories and successes we know what they did to get where they are. Success leaves clues!!!
  2. You will learn what didn’t work for them, don’t do it!!!
  3. You will develop a similar mindset to achieve your goal, you will learn to think the way they did to achieve their goal.
  4. You develop a belief in yourself and your goal, having a belief in what you are doing is so important to make it happen.
  5. You will save time, money and energy!!!
The list isn’t exhaustive, there some other benefits to reading/studying what you want to achieve.
In my particular experience I have learned to study success, authors in personal development and successful coaches who have been in the industry before me and are still going.
It is very likely they have learned what to do and what to avoid, so that experience is very valuable for me, they have developed a system and that is of interest to me.
Remember success leaves clues, we can only access these clues when we become students of that which we want to do or become.
We are blessed that there are countless resources available to us to help us achieve what want to accomplish…
In the end, how much do you to achieve that goal? For real? How bad do you want it?

When we REALLY want something we find the time, money and energy AND the resources to learn from…

I hope you have enjoyed today’s post, please comment in the comments box how you have benefited from becoming a student of your chosen career or if there has been a goal you were working towards and you studied it to get similar results.
Or, the opposite how not studying your career has affected you?
Till next time, with all my love,


Is what it is it?

Is what it is it?

What you ever asked yourself the question:
Is this it?
So, when you ask that question are you:
  1. Empowering yourserlf? Or,
  2. Resigning, accepting defeat?
The reason I raise this question is because I often hear peopl saying: It is what it is...
Is what it is it?
Don't you think you deserve more in life?
Do you not think that it may not be it?
What about asking yourself a different question, like:
How can I turn this around?
How can I improve this situation?
How can I solve this problem?
What lessons can I learn from this?
Do you see the difference? 
By asking yourself a How question you are more likely to come up with a solution and finally ditch the It is what it is!!!
I hope you have enjoyed today's read.
Remember it isnt the what it is, you can always turn it around.
Till next time,

Thursday 1 September 2016

You cannot NOTcommunicate

You cannot NOTcommunicate

We are always communicating, in fact, we communicate in ALL possible ways and always, whether we want it or not!
The presupposition “You cannot communicate”, I first learned when I was doing my NLP Practitioner Training a few years ago.

We are always in communication

If we are always communicating, then how do we do it?
There are three areas we tend to communicate: through language (verbal), non-verbal (physiology) and intonation (how we say things).
When we look at each one of these areas individually, we speak on a regular basis, we use the language we know to express our ideas, feelings, needs and wants. Though, sometimes we use the “wrong” word and the meaning of the whole sentence changes and we are misunderstood. Causing awkward moments and possibly costing us more than we anticipated.
Does it sound familiar?
The non-verbal aspect is what some people call body-language, what we are saying with our body, face, eyes, etc.
Just imagine you are having a conversation with a man/woman you find attractive, they ask you if you “fancy” them, your face goes beetroot red and you start sweating as you reply emphatically NO!
Would they believe you? Is your body in congruence with what is being said?
Are you “believable” enough?
Lastly, the intonation of the words we choose, if we say we are confident in a very low and shy voice, would we sound confident?
Next time you have a conversation I invite you try it out for yourself. Say things that are incongruent with your body language and with the way you say it. (Please, try this out in a safe environment, as it could potentially upset people)
Equally, reinforce what you are saying with your body and the intonation of what you are saying.

How can this help you?

If you are like me, I imagine you are wondering how this can help you?
We are social animals, even if you don’t see yourself as the social type of person, you are.
If you don’t believe me, we do it that often that if we aren’t talking to someone we talk to ourselves! And boy, do we do this all the time or what?
So, going back to the benefits of knowing how to communicate effectively, which has been the main and core message of this blog are:
  • Enhancing and improving communication: being congruent with your words and actions.
  • Establishing rapport in half the time: when you are in alignment with your words and actions people feel comfortable around you, they start to get to know you, like you and trust you way faster than when you aren’t congruent with what you say and what you do.
  • Improves intuition: the more you practice communicating congruently, the easier you can “read” people, you learn to listen to people, what they say and how they say.
  • Improves your listening skills: I am sure you have heard the phrase; we have 2 ears and one mouth for a reason… well that becomes more apparent when we learn to communicate better.
  • You are more present: when you know and realise you are always communicating, whether you want it or not, you start to be more present in your life, your communications and for people, giving you results and relationships you never thought were possible.
Becoming a better communicator isn’t difficult it takes practice and commitment.
I hope you have enjoyed today’s post and please let me know in the comments box of any experiences you’ve had when you’ve communicated effectively or when you weren’t congruent with what you were saying.
Till next time, with all my love,

Friday 29 July 2016

What are the signs that you aren't being responsible in your life

We all want the very best in life, we plan it, set goals and suddenly, "life happens".

What if I told you that you ate being irresponsible and avoiding responsibility in your life?

Here are the signs that you aren't being responsible in your life:

1. Lack of integrity, not doing what you said you'd do.

2. Lack of punctuality, not showing up when you said you'd do.

3. Lack of commitment, not giving your word for it.

4. Procrastination, avoiding doing what you said you'd do.

5. Making excuses, making stories up as to why you didn't do what you said you'd do.

6. Disrespecting others, being rude to people who remind you of where you are being irresponsible .

7. Tiredness/lethargy, not finding the "energy/strength" to do what you said you'd do.

8. Lack of planning, not having a clear idea of what it is you want.

9. Lack of education, you aren't educating yourself in the area/s that matter to you.

All the above are signs that show how and where you aren't being responsible.

If you want to create the life of your dreams and success taking control of your life and starting to be more responsible is key.

I would love to hear which signs resonated with you and how?

Also, if there is something you do when you are being irresponsible.

Till next time,


Thursday 28 July 2016

Being Extraordinary

Are you an ordinary person?

What is your definition of being ordinary?

I will share with you what I think of being "ordinary".

Being ordinary  (in my personal opinion) is being safe, playing small and robbing yourself of your future.

Most people refer to being ordinary as being your average Joe, being "normal".

What about being crazy, wild and not conforming to the norm?

I believe that we were born to be extraordinary and achieve incredible things in our lives.

Which areas of your life would you like to get more out of and make a difference?

Which areas of your life you know you have potential that hasn't been tapped yet?

What is being extraordinary?

I refer to being extraordinary when you go way beyond being ordinary or your "comfort zone ".

What I mean is you stop playing safe, you do things that scare you and move you closer to your goal and you have big dreams of you and your future.

When can you achieve and accomplish more when you are ordinary or when you are extraordinary?

What is your current reality?

Are you ordinary? Or,

Are you extraordinary?

I would love to hear in the comments box and how you are being either ordinary or extraordinary?

Till next time,


Monday 25 July 2016

Once Upon A Time…

Once Upon A Time…

Once Upon A Time....jpg
Once upon a time there as child who dreamed of crazy futures and who thought anything was possible…
That child had the rare gift of imagination!
In his/her dreams this child could come up with the solutions to this world’s problems.
Absolutely nothing seemed absurd… Trees would become skyscrapers, old metal would be a means of transport, toys and rubbish would be transformed into objects of fascination and inspiration.
Every day and night this child would dream of new possibilities and his/her options were endless. Truly, there were no limits.
One day this child would be doctor, then the next a farmer, and the next a police person, each and every day was a new beginning…
Nothing or no one would stop this child.
People around the child told him/her he/she had to grow up that these ideas were pointless and they were just silly games.
These comments were repeated time and time again; the child’s feelings were hurt in a semi regular basis.
This beautiful creative child started to doubt his/her skills, what once seemed a possibility was now pure absurdity.
What this child once considered a dream and a solution was but a puerile stupidity.
The child then became a teenager, his/her interests were different, they were shaped by the people around him/her… Or what was expected from him/her!
“Life” got in the way and… this now teenager thought that life, the world and everyone was against him/her.
Struggles followed… doubt had been planted, towards the end of his/her “innocence” those happy yesteryears were but a “blurred” memory.
Adulthood “forced” its way in and… “adult things” had to be done… Go to Uni, get the best marks, get a job, marry, get a mortgage, have a family, work for a lifetime and retire for a fraction of your worth…
This story wasn’t his/her reality, he/she just bought into it and it became his/her reality.
Can the clock be turned back?
Can this child come out of its captivity?
Can he/she dream again?
Can he/she wake up from that long and deep sleep?
Who knows…
Though, what I know is…
That child, that boy, that girl… was you one day, with dreams and hopes which were taken away accidentally (maybe even intentionally) and that child forgot all about it.
Thought, let me tell you, it isn’t too late…
You can still reclaim your dreams and hopes…
It isn’t too late, you just need to wake up, take back what is rightfully yours and fulfil your prophecy…
Your time hasn’t passed, your time starts now…

The End!

Till next time,


There are two types of people in the world

There are two types of people in the world

There are two types of people in the world
I am a great believer that messages shouldn’t be long, in fact they should be short, concise, to the point and thought provoking…
Do you agree?
I will let think about that one for a while.
As the title says there are two types of people in the world, some people may disagree and that is ok, this is perhaps for those who agree with the message I am going to share.

The two types of people are:

  1. Action takers: these people are on fire, they are on it, they have an idea or goal and they act on it. There is no stopping them, they see their goals through to the end. And,
  1. Talkers: these are people who always talk about what will be, what could happen, what they’d do if things were different, etc.
So, my question to you is, in which category do you fall into?
Are you an action taker and constantly spending your time on the court, playing full out and getting dirty, getting uncomfortable and going for your dreams? Or,
Are you a talker? Just talking about things in general and never really doing a thing, talking how there are “chosen” and “lucky” ones and that one day you will have a breakthrough? Just seating in the stands watching other play?
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences.
Are there any areas of your life where you aren’t acting but talking?
Please share in the comments box.
Till next time,


Sunday 24 July 2016

3 Signs That You Don’t Love And Accept Yourself

3 Signs That You Don’t Love And Accept Yourself

As a confidence and success coach it isn’t uncommon for me to hear that people don’t love and accept themselves.
Though, do you know what the main signs that you don’t love and accept yourself are?
Before I tell what these signs are, I would like to share a short story with you.
I am an EFT Master Practitioner, what we do is we tap on specific meridian points where energy is blocked and by tapping we release this energy and the energy is ready to flow, allowing any energetic and emotional blockages to be released too.
However, in traditional EFT when we start a tapping round we do a setup, which normally goes like this:
“Even though, I hate working 9-5 and life is challenging, I completely love and accept myself”.
Seems simple right?
I wish I could put a number to it, though, the vast majority of people struggle with saying I completely love and accept myself!
Going back to blog post.
I decided to investigate more on why people don’t love and accept themselves and what I discovered was that people don’t love and accept themselves because of 3 things mainly shame, guilty and unworthiness.
These are the 3 signs that you don’t love and accept yourself:
1. Rejecting compliments: people who don’t love and accept themselves tend to reject, avoid and deflect compliments because they either feel guilt for receiving it or they just feel unworthy.
2. Talking about everyone but yourself: people who don’t love and accept themselves would avoid talking about themselves at any cost, they will always talk about their family, friends and pets before they talk about themselves because they either feel shame of their lives or they would feel guilty about talking about themselves or putting themselves first. And,
3. Underperformance/underachievement: people who don’t love and accept themselves will be doing “low” paid jobs or jobs that don’t require too many skills because they feel unworthy or any higher paid job, they feel shame of who they are or their skills and guilt that someone better might lose their jobs because of them.
How can people learn to love and accept themselves?
The first and most important step to take to learn to love and accept oneself is to stop judging and criticising themselves.
For those who haven’t loved and accepted themselves for a long time this might sound too simple and even unattainable.
Because of this I have created a 12-week webinar series entitled Learning Love where I share what I did to learn to love and accept myself.
I invite you to take a look and take part on this life changing webinar which will take you from not loving and accepting yourself to fully loving and accepting yourself and who you are.
I look forward to hearing from you real soon.
Till next time,