Friday 29 July 2016

What are the signs that you aren't being responsible in your life

We all want the very best in life, we plan it, set goals and suddenly, "life happens".

What if I told you that you ate being irresponsible and avoiding responsibility in your life?

Here are the signs that you aren't being responsible in your life:

1. Lack of integrity, not doing what you said you'd do.

2. Lack of punctuality, not showing up when you said you'd do.

3. Lack of commitment, not giving your word for it.

4. Procrastination, avoiding doing what you said you'd do.

5. Making excuses, making stories up as to why you didn't do what you said you'd do.

6. Disrespecting others, being rude to people who remind you of where you are being irresponsible .

7. Tiredness/lethargy, not finding the "energy/strength" to do what you said you'd do.

8. Lack of planning, not having a clear idea of what it is you want.

9. Lack of education, you aren't educating yourself in the area/s that matter to you.

All the above are signs that show how and where you aren't being responsible.

If you want to create the life of your dreams and success taking control of your life and starting to be more responsible is key.

I would love to hear which signs resonated with you and how?

Also, if there is something you do when you are being irresponsible.

Till next time,


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