Thursday 14 July 2016

Honey... You are home!

Honey I am home!

This is such a well used phrase to represent a man or woman coming home from work, happy to see his/her family.

Sounds beautiful and idyllic that a husband or wife is happy to be back home after a long day and a well deserved break.

Though, I never hear the expression/phrase: honey... you are home!

I know what you are thinking...

This phrase may be taken in two or three ways...

1. Honey! You are home?... Surprised
2. Honey, YOU are home... Indifferent, and
3. Honey... you are home! Total and utter joy and delight to have their partner home.

The latter is the variation I am referring  to.

Having been born in the 80's taught me a great deal about relationships, communication and cooking.

I am very "old-fashioned" when it comes to welcoming the other half home with a nice freshly cooked meal.

When I was growing up my mother, in fact, everyone in my family stressed the importance of cooking fresh food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Having a busy schedule can sometimes get in the way of this healthy habit, which is ok, as long as it doesn't become a routine.

What I am trying to highlight here is how many of you welcome your partner with delight and joy?

How many of you go above and beyond to ensure your other halves are well fed when coming home?

Are you showing and demonstrating how happy you are to be with your better half?

Every day when my partner comes come he is welcomed with a a hug and a kiss, and a healthy meal... oh and one I love you, too.

Likewise, when I am coming home after him, he makes sure my needs are met, whether that is making me a meal, picking me up somewhere or carrying my bags.

I wanted to write about this subject today because I am a huge believer that a work/life "balance" are 100% achievable if we work at it.

It is very easy to go the shops or for a meal out or have a takeaway, and what does that show?

Does it show commitment, love and care for the relationship?

Does it show a bit of laziness and lack of attention?

On the other hand, when you get home after a long day and before your partner arrives, getting a nice meal ready in time for his/her arrival says a lot and speaks volumes about the relationship.

I find that a bit of planning and ingenuity are required to find the time for this, but when you do it, your actions speak louder than words.

I love having a meal with my partner as we find out how each other's day went.

Something truly magical happens, however bad the day was, this act of love and commitment takes away any worries or frustrations from the day.

Then, doing the dishes together, having a cup of tea and unwinding together to end the day.

I find this is the "magical" glue that helps relationships to stay together.

When you say: honey... you are home! And it comes from the heart you are speaking to the other person's soul and creating memories that will withstand whatever is thrown at them.

What do you do to welcome your partner home?

How do you show your honey... you are home?

Do you have a ritual or routine you do with your partner?

I would love to hear in the comments section.

Till next time,


PS don't forget to follow me to be on the first ones to get notifications of my posts.

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