Sunday 3 July 2016

Balanced Life - Impossible?

No man is an island, said someone once.

Like many people I have the need to feel valued, loved and spend quality time with a companion.

I am blessed to have in my life one of the most charismatic, caring, admired, loved and respected partner.

We are both in business for ourselves, which means sometimes we don't get to spend much time together.

Birthdays, anniversaries, parties and other social engagements take a secondary part in our lives.

Our businesses, clients and some times our business partners come first.

However, ever so often, we find ourselves spending a weekend together; unfortunately, our diaries take over those weekends and we have to make some 'tough' decisions.

Though, there have been some ocassions where I have asked myself the following question:

What is more important my business or my relationship?

I take a deep breath and answer it with as much honesty as possible.

To find the answer I have to go deep inside my heart.

When I do this, a voice deep in me replies: "your relationship is the more important thing."

I then take a look at my schedule and drop things than can be done at any other time.

So, this weekend has been one of these weekends we get to spend together, and our diaries and schedules have other priorities other than ourselves.

Instead, we both dropped everything and decided to spend Sunday together.

We had a lunch date and talked and laughed and did what most couples in business "forget" to do, which is to have fun and enjoy each other's company.

For those of you who read my blog regularly, you will know that I like to do it daily and write about what inspires me at the time.

I am not going to deny that at times, today, I was thinking I better get to work and write today's blog, to then be tempted back to sofa and enjoy some cuddles.

Eventually, we both agree we would do some work and reward ourselves by going to the cinema to watch 'Ab Fab'.

What have I learned by putting me relationship first?

I have learned that I can be successful and work hard and make the time to spend with my partner.

I have discovered that by making small changes in my schedule I can make remarkable "improvements" in my relationship.

I have learned that being in business doesn't mean I have to "neglect" my partner.

I have learned that it is moments like these that can help bring a couple together and create new happy memories.

Also, and perhaps the most valuable lesson I have learned is that you will make time to spend with your loved ones when you want to, no matter what.

Are you finding that balance in your life?

Are you spending enough time with your family?


Are you married to your job/business?

Till next time,


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