Wednesday 7 September 2016

What do you think I should do with my life?

What do you think I should do with my life?

What do you think I should do with my life?

How often have you found yourself in that situation, asking someone what should you do with your life?
Be honest!
I have and many times…
I often hear people asking me or others:
What should I do on my free time?
Where should I go on holidays?
What should I eat?
What should I wear?
What should I drink?
What movie do you recommend?
Do you get the picture?

Are you constantly looking for someone else's opinion and approval?

One of the reasons most of us, and I include myself, seek for a third party validation or approval is because we are afraid that we may make the wrong the decisions.
What if I told you that there aren’t any right or wrong decisions or experiences for that matter!
Everything we do, every action, every task, every decision brings with it a learning lesson.
When we are growing and evolving, learning from what we do is crucial to be able to embrace challenges and achieve our goals.
It doesn’t matter what you do or you don’t do even, you are always learning.
Let me explain this further.
Let’s say you start a new business venture, you are a novice at businesses and quite frankly you know very little about what is required and what do.
You will make mistakes, you will soon learn that you ideally should have some skills relevant to what you want to do, that you will need to outsource some people to compliment you with skills you don’t have, you might even need to re-educate yourself about your industry.
Once you dive in and embrace the experience you start to learn what works and what doesn’t work, either way you are learning.
Or, you might start doing some learning before you start, again, you are learning, you will read what works and what doesn’t work, what to do and what to avoid.
Also, if you do nothing with your life, talk about doing things and never do anything, you will learn or realise that you didn’t utilise your time efficiently.
You see? You are always learning…

Do you need someone’s approval or permission?

You do not need anyone to tell you what to do or not do!
You are powerful enough to make your own decisions and whatever the outcome own to it and learn from them.
At this point I would like to clarify, when you are employed or in any environment where there is a figure of authority there is an agreement that you will follow some guidelines! I just wanted to clarify that!
What I mean is in your life you call the shots, it is your life, no one else’s.
You want to know where the best holiday destination is? Go and explore as many as you possibly can, then you will learn where is the best place to do.
You want to know who is the best author? Read as much as you can and decide for yourself.
You see? It is up to you to choose what is and what isn’t worth learning.
You are strong and powerful, don’t forget it.

Give yourself permission.

Till next time, with all my love,

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