Monday 5 September 2016

Is what it is it?

Is what it is it?

What you ever asked yourself the question:
Is this it?
So, when you ask that question are you:
  1. Empowering yourserlf? Or,
  2. Resigning, accepting defeat?
The reason I raise this question is because I often hear peopl saying: It is what it is...
Is what it is it?
Don't you think you deserve more in life?
Do you not think that it may not be it?
What about asking yourself a different question, like:
How can I turn this around?
How can I improve this situation?
How can I solve this problem?
What lessons can I learn from this?
Do you see the difference? 
By asking yourself a How question you are more likely to come up with a solution and finally ditch the It is what it is!!!
I hope you have enjoyed today's read.
Remember it isnt the what it is, you can always turn it around.
Till next time,

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