Wednesday 27 April 2016

How Many Books Have You Read Recently?

How Many Books Have You Read Recently?

Learners are earners

For as long as I can remember I have loved reading; in fact, I feel terrible if I don’t read on a daily basis.


I feel I am stopping myself from learning and growing.

Every time I read a good book, I expand my awareness and find possible solutions to problems I may have or I am being equipped for any possible obstacles I may face in my future.

Do I have to read you might be asking?

To be honest you don’t have to read at all, you could instead listen to an audio or watch a video.

As long as you are learning something new each and every day.
I know life happens and we are busy most of the time; though, if you don’t learn something new a day, do you think you will get results any different to the ones you have got so far?

I will give you my example, I set aside a few minutes a day to read a few pages, normally I aim for 10 pages, sometimes I double that, or when I am short of time I do less, but regardless I read on a daily basis.

How does that knowledge benefit me?

In countless ways, it could be something work related, lifestyle related, marketing related, business related, etc., you see it could be anything, as long as it is important and meaningful to you (let’s be honest novels and mangas don’t count!).

According to some statistics (which I can’t remember exactly) the vast majority of people stop reading as soon as they leave school…

This is insane!

Why would you stop learning?

When you look at top earners, business owners and entrepreneurs they make reading and learning a new skill their number one priority because this aligns them with their goals and move them closer to where they want to be.

Are you 100% satisfied with where you are at the moment?

Do you have too much month left at the end of the pay check?

Do you feel left out when people are being promoted at work?

Are you reading?

Are you learning?

You see, when we read and learn something changes in us, something within and so deep starts to shine that people around us start to notice and resonate with it.

You needn’t read the most sophisticated articles about neuroplasticity or nuclear weapons, but do your best to be current and learn/read about something that will add value to your life.

Are you wasting your time watching TV?

Are you setting a good example to your children by reading on a regular basis?

Do not forget that the little ones around us are watching, by reading we are not only growing and learning but inspiring and raising the bar for others too.

Reading IMHO is a win-win scenario, you learn, you grow, you inspire others and you stay current.

If you aren’t reading anything at the moment, I invite you to start reading a book that is in alignment with a skill you want to learn or work related and notice the difference for yourself.
Please I would love you to comment, give me some honest feedback and share this blog post with others.

Till next time.

With all my love.

From my heart to yours,


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