Sunday 31 May 2015

Now is the Time

Now is the time
 You have come so far,
Yet, the journey has just begun
Wake up! Wake up!
Don’t turn your back on the now,
Let go of the past,
What purpose does it serve you?
Where can you find that what you seek?
Isn’t the present the future you once dreamt?
Where has it gone?
What have you done?ElectronicAwakening-Image2
Wake up! Wake up!
Aren’t dreams anything but fantasies?
Is reality but a bad dream?
What do to? Where to go?
The past has left you behind,
Betrayed you with a false good-bye
Too late, too soon, it was gone.
Wake up! Wake up!
The clock is ticking,
Surrender your stubbornness,
Accept, you are all that matters
Yesterday has left you,
Tomorrow awaits you,
Trust and belief, the time is right
Your dues have been paid
Freedom has found you
Let it in, let it stay
Conquer your fears,
Let go of your yesterdays
Welcome your tomorrows
Wake up! Wake up!
The time is right, the time is now,
Now is the time,
Now is your time.


Thursday 28 May 2015

Control. Who is in charge of your life?

Who is in charge of your life?
It has been a while since I have put fingers to keyboard. Since the last blog on the 1st of January I have embarked on a journey of self-discovery, learning and experiencing so I can share with you my findings.
Many of us have heard the quote by Ford: Whether you think you can or not, you are right!
In the last few months I have come to the understanding that it isn’t that straightforward, it may appear simple, the reality is less so.
When we learn there are four stages in the learning process:
  • Unconscious incompetence - we don’t know what we don’t know,
  • Conscious incompetence – we know what we don’t know,
  • Conscious competence – we know what we know, and
  • Unconscious competence – we don’t know what we know or mastery!
So I have concluded that until we step into the conscious incompetence sphere in life, we won’t be able to determine what we can or not do. All else is just but an assumption.
Fear on the other hand, is what has been driving many people for centuries, generations of families, groups and societies. This fear, is much more than the acronym it has been given many times – False expectations appearing real! –
What is driving this fear? Or the force behind it? In my experience and understanding it is stress, due to the environment, our behaviours and beliefs in general.
So, we go in life (and I include myself here!), creating this pseudo reality, a stress-packed and stress-full life and reality, where we don’t trust our feelings, emotions and inner guidance; dreams don’t matter any longer and the spark we were once born with slowly fades away, ultimately we miss out on what could have been our biggest and best achievements and successes in life.
Stress, in my opinion stands for (why not give it an acronym too!)
  • Silly,
  • Tormenting,
  • Ridiculous,
  • Endless,
  • Self-
  • Sabotaging.
Do I need to expand on what these mean?
What to do then?
Simple, make a decision, just one decision, THE single most important decision you will have ever made in your life, right now. Step off your comfort zone and explore life on the “conscious incompetence level”, explore something new, something that scares you and allows you to grow as an individual.
In my case, that “something” scary was to be true to myself, and tap into my mission and purpose in this life-time, which is to help people find their mission and purpose in life. It wasn’t easy, I had to explore the unknown (to me), grow and evolve so I could find my strengths and opportunities around me.
Before then, I only focused on the “stick”, my weaknesses and threats… In a nutshell I was stressed and I did not know it; fear took over and imprisoned me in a jail of my own creation which was strengthened by own liming beliefs and demons.
Now, on this side of the comfort zone, what can I say? I am here, typing this blog for you to read and ignite that flame, passion and life, in you.
Go and take control of your life, grab the pen and start writing your own story.
What will you do differently from now?
Share with me.
JV Mind and Soul Awakener

Thursday 1 January 2015

Chapter 1

There are many people who don’t get this far. We are the lucky one who have seen another second, another minute, another hour, another day and most importantly another year.
Happy New Year to you all.
Today is by far the most important day of the year (at least I see it that way). Today DREAMS are built upon, fantasies created, wishes spread across the globe and hope scattered like glitter. But for how long will you stick to that promise or promises which we in a very naïve manner call resolutions?
I would encourage to honour your former self, the person from yesterday, last year. If they could see you, in your current state, what would that say? Would they be pleased? Or perhaps saddened to see you are worse off?
Many of us before the clock ticks midnight look up to the sky and silently pray that the New Year would be a tiny better than the previous year or at least more gentle.
But what if I were to say you have always had the tools and capacity to build those dreams to your liking? To create your perfect reality? The perfect life?
Whenever I have a client I ask them what their beliefs and values are? What do they hold important in the heart, lives and in general?
What are your beliefs and values? Are they getting you where you want to head to? Or are they simply holding you back?
What is important to you? Your family? Your job? Money? Protect the planet? Are you doing all you can to fulfil your dreams? Or are you just watching yourself in the third position, how all goes wrong and you are unable to warn or even protect yourself?
By asking all these questions I don’t wish to make you feel uncomfortable or make you feel guilty, or even make you visit the past; I am just urging you to start in the NOW, take control of your life and teach others to do the same.
Take a notepad, a tablet or a desktop and make a list of everything you want in life, DREAM, be a 5 years old and dream on paper, be as ambitious as you possibly can and ignore any negative self-talk, ALLOW yourself to be a dreamer; once you have a list of all the things you want next to them give them a date by which you would like it, i.e. one month, 6 months, one year, etc..
Keep this document by your bedtable, in your pocket and with you 24/7, and whenever you feel “down”, take it and see what your former self dreamt of at one point, making you reconnect with your desires, dreams and hope and take you where you want to in life.
Just remember whatever have happened in the past, is gone, it doesn’t matter any longer; if it however, bothers you, seek professional help to help you deal with it. And the future is not set on stone for anyone, you are the writer of that poem or book, you are the sculptor of that master piece, and only you can make it happen.
Much love,
mind and soul
PS. If you have any feedback or comment do not hesitate to share with me.

Finding God

As a child I remember many occasions in which I would be taken to church for hours, not understanding what was happening or what was being said. And there the books I would come across and the images and stories in it that I found fascinating, yet a part of me struggled to find real.
During my teen years I did what was expected of a good Catholic boy, I was baptised, did my Holy Communion, my Confirmation, etc... At that I started to get what religion and faith were all about; I was able to piece it all together. Yet there was something missing.
Although I was a “good” Catholic boy, my heart was in the natural sciences, the Big Bang theory and many more of those fascinating scientific theories, which ironically could be proven and easier to understand.
I didn’t let science cloud my faith over, I simply needed facts and solid evidence. So my quest started at the age of 16, I stopped being a Catholic overnight; I felt it was not “for me”. I did, however, have the strangest and most profound of experiences when I last visited a church, before stopping going, I felt I was embraced by Jesus and he said to me: You are done here!
I lived as an atheist for many years, but it didn’t mean I stopped my quest for “God”. I HAD to UNDERSTAND why he couldn’t be explained the same way the “Law of Energy” can. In my early 20’s I read the Bible from the Genesis to the Apocalypse, and to make matters even more confusing in several Bibles…
At that point the score was 1-0, on God’s favour.
Many years passed, and I can honestly say I had many many wonderful spiritual experiences, some I could rationally explain and others well, I didn’t know what to make of, my logic didn’t extend that far, and science didn’t have the evidence I needed to prove them right or wrong. I only knew it was OK to believe, it felt right.
In my mid 20’s I had discovered a “new way” of living, I had become Spiritual. I chose to believe there was something greater than us, who guides us and helps us in trying times. And still I could not gather enough evidence to prove it right or wrong. It just felt good, that questioning it felt wrong.
Whilst learning about and living spiritually, I came across modalities, therapies and healing arts that complemented the lifestyle; some were an acquired taste, others were so beautiful and profound. I developed an interest in crystals and gems, which to this very moment have brought so much joy, love and happiness to my life, and would take me in the path I am currently in.
I became the best crystal collector I ever knew. I would work to buy gems and minerals, they filled me with you. At first I fell in love with their colours, then I discovered they had properties too! I would sit with them for hours at the time, expecting the “spirits” in them would reveal themselves to me, or the energy in them would suddenly give me “super powers”. I built images in my head where I could do anything with my super gems… and NOTHING would happen.
Some of my friends would share with me how profound their experiences with their crystals where, that I would feel a tad of jealousy and in some instances even think my gems were “broken”.
I still didn’t give up.
One afternoon in a shopping centre, I met a very lively young woman, who started talking to me; I felt comfortable talking to her so I listened to her and shared a good conversation, then she started talking about a “Reiki” thing, and Auras and Chakras… saying I would be interested in that, she simply confused me even further.
I ignored most of what she said, and continued playing with my “broken” gems. I remained hopeful and with an open mind. At the same time I continued my quest for God, or some sort of evidence, I could share with the world.
I persevered using my “broken” gems, and almost out of nowhere I felt a tingling sensation, something was coming out of one of my gems… I closed my eyes and as I did so, I felt the energy growing stronger and stronger, in me, on me, around me and all over me. I just could not believe what I was experiencing. So I dropped the stone I had in my hand and went to get some others, and at that moment I could feel all their energies, I could hear them, feel them, I felt my energy intertwining with my own and everything around me.
At this point I felt a connection and a purpose, which I never ever experienced before. I became hungry for knowledge and started reading about energy, chakras, auras, love, forgiveness, etc. And still at the back of my head I had that question: Where is God? What is he/she?
I gained knowledge, and experienced a great deal in my newly found lifestyle. I started working with Angels, Spirits, energy and things that I could not see yet I could feel it. I was doing yoga, meditating and continued reading whatever book I felt could help me in my quest.
I made observations of some interesting “coincidences”; how some Psychologists and Psychiatrists, after many years of studying the mind would come a “vacuum”, where neither science nor religion could explain some extraordinary events in people’s lives, and subsequently these professionals would become spiritual people. That alone, opened my heart and my eyes too.
I thought to myself: What if there isn’t a God in heaven the way we are made to believe? But, he was with us? In us?
I continued my search for God, many hours of working with minerals and learning from them, speaking to Angels and receiving their teachings, meditating and learning about the Matrix and Morphic Fields! How we are all intertwined and are part of the same, how we are the same.
And then, I had my Eureka moment, I realised that God, never left us, never intended to make us question his intentions or whereabouts. And since we are all the same, are part of a whole, and are here on this planet, on this reality, he is here with us, has always been with us, in us, around us.
When I had that realisation I felt a warmth in my heart, as if God was congratulating me for having figured out this “enigma”. Now, I can truly say I have fulfilled my quest, I have found God, he never left us, he is me, in you, in us, all around us, in every plant and animal we see, in the water we drink, the food we eat, he is nurturing us and nourishing us from the outside in and from the inside out.
All it takes is for us to stop questioning it and allow it to be. And you too can find God and all he/she means.
PS. If you have any feedback or comments, do not hesitate to contact me.