Tuesday 23 January 2018

3 Simple Truths About Life

3 Simple Truths About Life

Life really isn't as scary as some people make it out to be.

When I was growing up I'd hear from adults, both neighbours and family how hard life was, that all the good times and opportunities were gone and that we were doomed.

I heard that as a child, heard it as teenager and again as a young adult.

The truth is I have found it otherwise, it is joyful, fun and you can find and create opportunities.

It makes me glad I didn't hear these people when I was growing up because otherwise it'd be in a similar situation to theirs and I would have never seen nor done the things I have done and achieved in life.

I also discovered some truths about life which I am about to share with you.

3 Simple Truths About Life

1. Life is simple! Most of us love to overcomplicate things, life is simple and at the same time isn't easy, we must work for things, this is a fact. We work for what we want.

2. Life is a level playing field! Regardless of what we hear or believe, we ALL pretty much have the same opportunities available to us, the reality is that some work harder than others to make things happen. When we want more we must to do more!!!

3. Everyone is deserving! Some people make up the story that they aren't enough or deserving of anything; the reality is we ALL are deserving of abundance and happiness, we ALL deserve an abundant life.

These are 3 of the truths of life that have helped me to achieve my goals and create a life that I love and enjoy every second of.

Thank you for reading and till next time,


Tuesday 16 January 2018

Why Should I Work With A Confidence Coach?

Why Should I Work With A Confidence Coach?

When I was a teenager talking to people about my personal life was a huge thing for me, I learned all the tricks under the sun to avoid talking about my life AND the truth is I was the one who was missing out, I was the one who was robbing himself from some useful advice and/or help.

As a teenager I had zero confidence, to the outside world I was “OK” when in reality I was NOT OK, I blagged my way through lies and pretences; no one knew where I lived (I was ashamed of our poverty), no one knew much about my life (I felt there was nothing to share about it), I was very depressed and weeks/days away from attempting suicide.

I was outted to my mother for being gay, I lost any hope I had to have a normal life in a matter of days, some of my teenage years sucked! and big time!!!

It took me years to learn to fully love and accept myself as I was with all my positive qualities and flaws. From the age of 16 to 18 I attended a weekly therapy group for gay men, here we’d talk about our lives and what was going on and we’d coach each other.

This helped me in two ways:

1) I learned how some people struggled in other areas of their life and that was equally as painful as what I was going through, I understood that someone’s pain is as valuable as mine, and
2) I understood the importance of opening and talking to someone or people who can help us and coach us in the right direction.

I started with this brief summary of where I was almost 20 years ago, I had no hope for my life, I had visualised a pretty dull and pointless life for myself; in fact, I had very little going for me.

However, life had other plans for me.

I became the last thing I ever thought I would become, a Therapist and Coach helping people to grow in confidence AND regain control of their lives, achieving their dreams and making a difference in the world.

I never saw it coming if I am honest! I was interested in the mind and helping others, but I never put them together, never mind professionally.


Why work with a confidence coach?

If you feel:
  • You have little or no self-confidence,
  • You are lacking in the certainty department,
  • You feel you don’t matter or value,
  • You aren’t worth listening to,
  • You are depressed, or
  • What is the point in being alive.

Then, a confidence coach is the right fit for you, why?

Because they have the tools necessary to help you overcome your lack of confidence.

Confidence coaches, like myself, have studied confidence and what is like to have little to no self-confidence.

In my case, I became interested and involved with clients lacking in the self-confidence department for two reasons:

  • My personal experience from the past, I was lacking so much confidence that it led me to a depression I wasn’t even aware off and ultimately almost cost me my life, the day I decided to end my life. When you don’t have confidence or self-esteem there is a price to pay, this is relationships, level of success and sometimes even our lives, and
  • When I was studying management, I carried out a research at work and I learned that many if not most employees had low self-confidence and low self-esteem because they felt unworthy of and useless for their roles, which led to poor performance at work.

We also hear stories of people whose lives have been wasted because they never addressed their “problems” on time, leading them to a life of scarcity, misery and loneliness.

Working with a confidence coach helps you get the results you want, they work with your exact “problem” and the solutions and goals will be unique to you, so you prevent the worst-case scenario ever becoming a reality.
The truth is coaching isn’t a “miracle”, it is preventative AND it moves you towards what you want rather than away from it towards that what you don’t want.

One thing clients have to understand is that it takes time to see results, sadly some people think that one session will sort their lives out! Rome was not built in one day and frankly, if some has 4 decades of mess to clean, surely it will take more than 1 hour!

I will give you my example I was very fortunate that my journey started when I was 16. At this age I sought help for the very first time AND I was willing to make it work; now almost 20 years later there are “ghosts” or “issues” from the past that come and haunt me every now and then.

This work is continuous, it never ends because we never stop growing; also, from my personal experience just because you are confident in one are of your life, it does NOT mean you will be confident in every other area, it isn’t that simple.

Working with a confidence coach helps you recognise your blind spots and what steps to take and you will have someone by your side cheering you on all the way to your goal and facilitate feedback when things don’t go as planned.

In Summary

A confidence coach is someone who knows and understands what it is like to have no confidence and they have the tools to help you become more confident and assertive in your life.

This process takes time and your coach will have your back every step of the way because when you win your coach wins too.

Thank you so much for reading and if you want a confidence coach why not take a free-20 mins consultation and find out how I can help you starting today.

Have a wonderful day.

With all my love,


Wednesday 10 January 2018

Lessons Learned Through Modern Energy Art

Lessons Learned Through Modern Energy Art

Nothing in life is worth doing if we aren’t learning any lessons from it, either good or bad lessons.

For as long as I can remember I have been a student of life, I guess I have one of those personalities where I have to have answers and if the people I ask don’t have them and I get to work and I do whatever it takes to get those answers.

I believe there are no mistakes or errors or booboos of f*ck ups in life, simply feedback and lessons, we will continue to “mess up” until we learn these lessons and then eventually move on.

Recently talking to a friend I commented on how blessed I was, as for most of my life I have learned through other people’s “mistakes” and “testimonials”, so my learning curve has been rather quick and pleasant too.

In personal development it is said that the first step for change is: awareness.

When you have awareness you literally see magic unfold before your very eyes and EVERYTHING seems to ‘make sense’, it is a great feeling and life becomes a walk in the park.

But what happens when you don’t have this awareness?

Truthfully, not much!!! Life, work, romance, you name it, these things do NOT seem to work at all; we are stressed, ‘under pressure’, we feel useless, overwhelming feelings, etc., etc.

Without awareness life isn’t as joyous or fun. Without it, you don’t know what you are doing right or ‘wrong’, what mistakes are being made, what needs to be improved, whether what you are doing works or not. Simple tasks can take up to twice as long, EVERYTHING becomes a burden or a chore!

If you are like me (especially if you are in personal development), there comes a point when you get to the ‘good stuff’ in your life, and by this I mean the stuff that has not being dealt with before AND this is when real and incredible transformation starts to take place.

Though, two things tend to occur here:

  1. We might not want to talk to anyone, for various reasons; or,
  2. We have no idea what is holding us back.

So, if we don’t have this ‘awareness’ to solve a ‘problem’ because we don’t want to talk about or because we don’t know what it is, what do we do?

More personal development? Or, try something new?

I guess this would be a very personal choice and I will share what I did and what insight and awareness it shone into my life.

Modern Energy Art

When we talk or hear Art, we immediately thing of Picasso, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, etc., people that history has told us are the greatest and most amazing artists EVER, and when we see their art we either think: what a masterpiece or what the hell!

I grew up thinking I was not good at drawing, never mind art.

Memories from childhood would haunt me, having to draw vases, or fruit baskets, or landscapes (the idea of art would trigger the hell out of me!); so, it’d end up either asking my mum to do it for me OR paying my cousin to do it for me.

Arts and Sports were my nemesis at school!

Every time I was colouring something in I’d go out of the edges and I’d lose my temper. In a nutshell, I quit the idea of EVER being an artist at a very young age.

There was no hope in hell for me as an artist, or at least I thought that.

In order for healing to occur and take place something magical has to happen or be done; though, in my experience our instinct (or 6th sense) always knows and when we listen to it we give this healing permission to take place.

I am blessed to say that I ‘almost’ always listen to my 6th sense and when I don’t I regret it immediately.

So, last year a friend, mentor and role model, Silvia Hartmann announced she’d be opening a coaching programme called: Modern Energy Art Apprenticeship; the second I heard about it I knew I had to do it.

However, at first, I made every excuse under the sun as to why I couldn’t do it:

  • Time,
  • Money,
  • Energy,
  • Was it worth it,
  • Do I have all the resources needed,
  • I am not an artist!,
  • What if I can’t do it, etc.

The typical excuses we all make and the ones I encourage my clients to dismiss when they REALLY want something!

Here is the thing, Silvia only opened it to 12 people and the spaces were flying real quick, as many people I suffer from F.O.M.O (fear of missing out), so every time she announced there was another space gone my heart would skip a beat.

I was sat on the fence for days and when there were only two spaces left I jumped in.

So, I got to work and I emailed Silvia for my first task! Originally the idea of doing art by myself without a tutor or teacher by my side was terrifying.

I loved how everything started! Silvia simply asked:

What were your first memories of art?

That was easy for me to answer: I loved playing with crayons when I was a child, I loved the freedom of doodling on the paper for hours on end, the smell of the wax and feeling of the crayons on the paper.

As I was typing the answer I had my first breakthrough and insight! I saw how this was a great investment, opportunity and the vehicle I needed to move to the next level AND I was thankful to my 6th sense for guiding me to it.

Then we moved onto the first drawing, an egg, what a metaphor! The beginning and birth of something new…
So, I did my first egg, it was painted using crayons. When I was drawing and painting the egg I was a child again, full of hope and dreams, the joy and love that irradiated from me at that moment was so healing and powerful that I lost track of time.

The feeling was so addictive that I did 2 more eggs and I had another insight:

I realised how much I judged people! I used to comment about people who were buying colouring books and colouring in instead of getting one with their work and lives; I learned I was the one missing out, I was the one who wasn’t healing nor giving myself the time to reenergise or clear my mind.

More tasks came in and I was producing even more paintings, when I thought I couldn’t paint or do any form of art.

Second insight:

I was making excuses for the sake of making excuses! How can I know I can’t do anything if I don’t give it a go? I couldn’t draw as a child but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it as an adult!

As the days, weeks and months went through I was learning so much about myself, without even looking for these answers!!!
I started to notice improvements in other areas of my life too!

Lessons learned through Modern Energy Art:

  1. I judged people without knowing their motives for doing what they were doing,
  2. I was making excuses for the sake of making them,
  3. I discovered how much of a perfectionist I was and how it was holding me back!,
  4. I realised I dislike the idea of being told what to AND following instructions/systems,
  5. I learned that in order to solve a problem, I must focus on the solution instead of the problem,
  6. When you are ready to be healed the healing event will manifest itself,
  7. Best healing occurs without words,
  8. Energy is ever present and the more Energy you put into something, the more you will get out,
  9. You are responsible for your happiness and joy, you ought to look for what’s missing,
  10. Intuition is everything, our 6th sense is there for a reason, lets use it,
  11. Energy well spent is Energy well invested,
  12. I learned I can do anything and that I am unstoppable, I am the only one who can stop me,
  13. I learned that the past really doesn’t define me, it is what I do in the now that does,
  14. Art isn’t rocket science, it is a form of self-expression therefore an Energy exchange,
  15. I am creative and not just an Artist, but a Modern Energy Artist,
  16. I discovered that I am awesome,
  17. I learned to love my creations, people’s opinions count but they aren’t everything,
  18. I learned to give myself a pat on the back, I am creating magic in my life,
  19. I realised the importance of feedback and how powerful and healing it can be,
  20. I learned there is so much more to discover about me and that I am only getting started!

I have taken a small selection of the lessons I have learned so far, it pleases to know I made the right decision when I took on this programme and how far I have come.

Energy is awareness and it is this what moves us forward and closer to our enlightenment and the life of our dreams.

In conclusion

Energy art is not just art, it is a self-healing tool where you the artist creative art as well as evolve and learn valuable lessons about yourself and your life.

You grow, you evolve, you discover what you are capable of.

Magic appears in your life, stays in your soul and you continue to sparkle towards your awesomeness.

What’s not to like?

Thank you so much for reading and comment on this post and let me know your experiences with art either as an artist or as a admirer.

Till next time,


Tuesday 9 January 2018

How To Raise Your Energy Levels?

How To Raise Your Energy Levels?

How To Raise Your Energy Levels

Often people ask me: How on Earth do you manage to do so much? And how come you never seem to be doing much either?

I laugh a little and respond: Because I am smart!

The truth is that THAT is my secret I am smart! What do I mean by smart?

I spend my Energy efficiently AND I know how to get endless amounts of Energy!

That is a big statement I would hear some say and IT IS!

If you read yesterday’s blog post “How to get ‘stuff’ done”, there I mentioned I had to become disciplined AND the person who could achieve the big and ambitious goals I had, but there was something else I was doing that I didn’t discover till years later.

I was managing my Energy levels and state (more of this on another post). I was using Energy techniques that moved me forward and enabled me speed many tasks up.

How do you raise your Energy levels?

Have you noticed how I capitalise the word Energy, for me it is such an underused and underestimated resource.

Firstly, was is Energy?

I think an even better question to ask is what isn’t Energy? Energy is in everything AND it is EVERYTHING!

We find Energy in our foods for our nutrition, we use Energy to power our cars, for electricity, gas, etc., etc., the list can go on and on and on… We even use it in our day to day lives in phrases like, I can feel something is going to happen, or I get a negative vibe from someone…

We aren’t strangers to Energy, yet at the same time we don’t understand it much or use it to our advantage.

Adding to yesterday’s post what I was doing was I was Energising my goals, myself and how I did everything.

Who wouldn’t want a piece of that cake?

There are many ways to raise our Energy levels and I will describe what I used to do to inspire me to get to work quicker and get sh*t done, I’d focus on how achieving that goal would make me feel once I achieved it AND I’d bring that amazing feeling (Energy) to the present and let it drive me to work harder. It worked each and every time. I was up to my neck in tasks and assignments; work was very demanding too and I got it ALL done!

So, as I also mentioned yesterday at that time I started a new relationship, so I would NOT waste a second I had to spare AND I would get ALL of my tasks done as quick and fast as I could, why? I had something to look forward to, my new love wanted to see me, so I’d get to work and seeing him would be my reward.

Similar scenario, there was something motivating me and empowering me to get EVERYTHING done, this driving force this ‘thing’ is our Energy being channelled and put to good work.

Last year, in the first quarter I felt compelled and driven to write a book where I could share with people some of the techniques I have used in the past to raise my Energy AND have fun above all.

What’s the point in doing anything if you can’t have fun, right?

There was one little ‘situation’, I had been using this techniques at a subconscious level which means, I didn’t know I was using them unless someone pointed them out to me, and no one EVER did!

I got to work and I started journaling what I was doing when I was at my most efficient and proactive. I did this for a couple of weeks and I was fascinated by my findings and how simple these techniques were, things that anyone could do at anytime and anywhere!

That’s how 23 Ways To Raise Your Energy Levels came to be, from the desire to be able to tell others how they can raise their Energy too, AND so I knew what I was doing ‘unconsciously” and apply when I needed some extra Energy and when I was ‘feeling sorry’ for myself.
23 Ways To Raise Your Energy Levels
The more Energy you have, the more you can do and the more you can give; Energy goes way beyond physicality, or nutrition, or “drinking coffee/redbull”.

Energy IS real and when you know how to use it to your advantage and to enrich your life, everything changes, you transform and evolve, AND you become the person you know yourself to be.

These techniques aren’t rocket science, I have given you two that aren’t in the book (now I can say I have 25 techniques that raise my Energy levels! Hehe).

Do you want more Energy in your life, then get to work, do something about it NOW!

I produce content and I put it out there for people to benefit from it, so it is up to you now, get your copy of 23 Ways To Raise Your Energy Levels, right here: https://dragonrising.com/store/23_ways_to_raise_your_energy_levels/ and start feeling the benefits right away.

Thank you for reading and till next time.

With all my love,


Monday 8 January 2018

How To Get ‘Stuff’ Done?

How To Get ‘Stuff’ Done?

How to Get Stuff Done (1)
When I was all “new” to adulthood and goal setting I was totally naïve, I had no idea about what I wanted nor how to get what I wanted.

I had very limited skills, I had a lot “potential” and yet I felt stuck!

Growing up I was very academic, which to be totally honest was more coincidental than anything else as I had a “pushy mother” on the one hand and no friends on the other!

What I mean to say is: studying hard and spending some time gathering information was NOT uncommon for me nor challenging…

So, I got to work and with what I found I was left even more confused!!!

Truthfully, it didn’t take much to confuse me as EVERYTHING was new to me, I became an adult far away from what I was used to: different language, different environment, different culture and I was alone, I had no family with me, just a partner who didn’t know how to communicate the adult stuff to me.

I read and read AND read till my eyes went red and square; I even found myself searching for the meaning of life, there had to be a clue somewhere.

All I found was:

  • You have to be motivated to achieve your goals and get sh*t done,
  • You have to set SMART goals (I did wonder who’d want to set STUPID goals?) LOL!,
  • You have to commit and be accountable for your actions,
  • You have to get to work straight away.

These all made sense and kind of did make a difference in my life at the time, however, it was through my own trial and error that I learned what was missing.

The missing link!

It wasn’t until I was in my late 20’s and tired of the “rat race” and being dictated my worth that I got serious about creating a vision and a very compelling future for myself, so something I have never done had to be done.

What was it?


I had to be disciplined and do what others wouldn’t do to work magic in my life, I wanted to be self-employed and call my shots, I had to be someone else, someone who’d be stopped at NOTHING!

How did I do this?

When I look back and see what I did then I admire myself for the sacrifices made and EVERYHTING I did to make my dreams come true.

I was working full-time for a catering company and at the same time I was studying a full time Management course in my local college, a part time accountancy foundation AND some online courses.

I didn’t sleep more than 3 hours for months and months, I never missed one day at work or college, I submitted all my assignments on time AND I started a new relationship at the same time. If I am honest, the new relationships was the hardest!!!
How to Get Stuff Done (2)
The discipline I introduced into my routine was worthy of the military, up at the crack of dawn and I’d be up until EVERYTHING that had to be done was done. I pushed myself to new heights and I discovered I could do WHATEVER I set my mind to.

If I am honest, my dreams didn’t materialise immediately, it was on the second year of my Management course when I noticed how poorly staff were trained at work, how they were made feel they were unworthy of their jobs and this resulted in all of them having a low self-esteem, ultimately affecting the results at work.

This was the moment I discovered I was only getting started and there was more I had to do to not only work on my terms but to help people overcome their self-esteem and confidence issues, and to provide the appropriate training tools for employers so their staff performance and self-esteem were EVER increasing.

In conclusion

The 2 lessons I learned to get stuff done were:

  • I had to be disciplined, do what I had never done before, go where I had never gone before and do whatever (within reason!) it took to get sh*t done!
  • I had to become someone else, not a crummy version of someone else or a copy-cat, but a me that would stop at NOTHING to make my dreams come true, to overcome the obstacles that would come my way and have the strength I needed to go all the way where my dreams were.

This is what I learned worked for me, becoming disciplined and a better, stronger version of myself, I added these to the goal setting, motivation and ALL the other things I had learned.

You want to know what?

That search I did about the meaning of life did help, it enabled me to distinguish that I had to think of others and have a purpose, essentially become more to do more.

Powerful stuff, right?

I am glad you have read today’s post and I look forward to writing more useful content for you.

With all my love,


Sunday 7 January 2018

My Week In 500 Words – Week 1

My Week In 500 Words – Week 1

I find the beginning of the year a tough time! For the last decade or so I have faced the consequences or reaped the rewards of my actions, the steps taken or not.

So far, I have been working really hard so 2018 is my best year yet! And I know it will be!!!

Clients bookings coming in all directions, students wanting to train with me, my sense of wellbeing and fitness increasing AND in the right direction, motivating and inspiring others and myself at the same time.

All these boxes and some more have been ticked so far, in the last week, in the first 7 days of the year.

I have taken the time to reflect on 2017 and all the incredible lessons I brought with me to this year, I set very clear and empowering goals that WILL transform many lives.

At midnight when we entered into 2018 I made the conscious decision that I would raise my standards AND the bar so high so that I can become the person that can achieve my ambitious goals.

I’ve had the honour to spend some precious time with my partner and creating memories that will bring us closer together and take us to new heights personally and in our relationship. I reflected on how incredibly fortunate I am to have him by my side, for being my rock and support at ALL times.

My health has become so important to me that I have almost become evangelical about the importance of being healthy or healthier and creating a movement of health to empower and heal the world. So, now my next big goal is my fitness, I want to achieve the body and fitness level I deserve and that requires some discipline.

Yesterday was such a great day as I caught up with a friend and our conversation was so healing and powerful for the both of us and I am EVER so grateful to have that calibre of people in my live, it’s a joy!

As if things weren’t great enough I committed myself to writing my first fiction novel to a room of 15 people, who are aspiring writers! They will hold me accountable for it and it is a great feeling to know there are people who barely know you and yet they care about you honouring your word!

Gosh, I am so blessed I sometimes forget how lucky I am to be where I am and doing what I am doing! Yes, I know I have worked for it but to be able to reflect on it and see it on a regular basis is such a blessing.

I can confirm and announce that my first week in 2018 has been an amazing and powerful week that I am so excited and looking to discovering what else will be coming my way in the next days, weeks and months.

To an even better year.

Forever yours,


Friday 5 January 2018

Why Am I A Vegan?

Why Am I A Vegan?

You are a what?


Where do you get your protein from?


Is that even safe?


How do you know you are actually saving the planet?


You? No F*cking way!

Veganism is a concept that is new to some and those who know about it have their own idea of what veganism is, it kind of reminds me of the idea we have of spiritual people, hippies with dreadlocks, living in the woods and drinking ayahuasca on a regular basis!

It is easier to talk to people about same sex relationships (and even sex!) than to explain veganism! Some people don’t get it and that is OK.

What I wanted to do today was to tell you why I am a vegan and perhaps educate you a bit further and help you to understand people’s choices and decisions without any judgement. Doesn’t that sound good to you?

Before I go any further I want to take you back to 2003 when I heard of the term vegan/veganism for the first time, it was at college when I was learning catering and hospitality. Bear in mind English isn’t my first language and I had just (almost literally!) landed I thought what the hell is that, who wouldn’t want to eat meat?

We cooked some dishes and they were brilliant! I ate them all… In fact, I am known for always eating EVERYTHING!!!

I tried the “vegetarian thing” in ’05 and at the time I was in a relationship with a huge meat eater he said to me you won’t last and I said: watch me!

First night I couldn’t NOT eat meat, I cooked his dinner and I cheated immediately!!! He laughed and simply said: Told ya!!!

I kept at it (without cheating) for two more weeks and I failed miserably, it was tough, and I loved meat too much to give it up.

Then, a vegan came into my life and she looked like hell!!! I mean she looked anaemic, unhealthy and she wasn’t advertising veganism very well.

We became really good friends so good that we travelled together, and she’d tolerate me eating animal flesh in front to her without judging me (that is huge!). In 2010 we travelled together to the Czech Republic and she witnessed how I devoured 1 kg of pure Argentinian fillet steak (trying to prove how macho I was!) and then watched how I vomited it back onto the platter it was delivered in!

I was born to be a meat eater! No kidding… You should feel how sharp my teeth are!!!

Come on, when you come from a developing country you know you aren’t that poor when you are eating meat, and boy did my parents work hard so we always had meat on our plates, it’d be a small piece, a token that we weren’t that poor.

So, when I made it to the first world, I had to eat tons of meat, right?

2013 arrived and it was a funny year, I had been on a journey (of self-discovery) and I had tried veganism for a short while (before attending a shamanic gathering) and I wanted to become more connected to source, god and humans so I made the decision to become a vegan!

You are reading well, the guy who thought eating meat was cool because it meant you weren’t poor.

At first, I felt amazing, I was definitely getting what I wanted which was connection and affinity to others. I could see auras and sense people’s feelings and emotions, it was great. By then, I had a new partner (and still together) and we had a very social life, always out and that meant restaurant dinners, alcohol and it felt awkward going out because I wanted what everybody else was having, but I was a vegan, so I wouldn’t.

I’d be teased and I’d end up arguing back and it wasn’t pleasant. I hated every second of it.

Towards the end of the year (I’d only been a vegan for 5 months by then), I was being attuned to Reiki and I said to my Reiki Master I hate being a vegan, it feels I am punishing myself by not eating what I want to eat, to which she replied:

Then don’t do it!

So, that was my veganism gone out the window. I went back to eating meat and did I catch up or what!!!

The next couple of years I’d be eating without a care and stuffing my face (and gut) with whatever animal product or by-product I could find AND you’d be surprised to hear how easy to find they are!!! Almost as if they wanted you to have them… (no comments there!!!)

Towards the end of 2015, beginning of 2016 I’d be telling my partner, almost as if I was craving it, I wanted to go vegan (again!) and I wanted his support and he’d say: nah! Waste of time, see what happened last time…

He was right! It was very likely I’d end up eating meat again.

As you can see there was no way on this planet (or universe) I’d end up being a vegan again.

I had, however noticed how many more vegan options there were compared to when I was a vegan (it had improved a great deal), also tons and tons of information about animal cruelty and side effects of eating dairy and animal products.

Then 2017 was here, the beginning of the year was testing me I had some rubbish news (more of that at another time), I was also concerned about my liver and its enzymes levels.

I was off to Panama and I was partying a lot, so lots of alcohol (24/7), eating lots of animal products and by-products (also 24/7). Met my partner in New Orleans (highly recommend it, will deffo go back there soon!) and more alcohol and more animal products.

By this point I was at my heaviest and I was not happy with the size of my belly and how round my face looked, didn’t mind my big butt, though!

Back in the UK, from the 27th to the 30th of April 2017 I was attending a live seminar in London, UPW – Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins and the last day (30th of April), was a pivotal moment in my life!

I had the veil removed from face, the blindfold behind this veil taken off and for the first time, EVER, I was able to see how I had been poisoning my body, my life and my soul.

The information shared on the last day, showed and scientifically proved how having animal products, animal by-products, refined sugars, processed foods, coffee and alcohol are NOT good for us but instead LETHAL to us.
Once this information was given to us and a 10-day challenge too, I was up for it. I was going to give these 10 days my all, and I even thought of going EVERYTHING free for a whole month!

End of month one, 1 st lost and I felt amazing; so I rolled onto my second month and still going now, on my 9th month… I think I am due a “vegan baby” soon!!!

What I took away from that event is that I had not been informed/educated about the health benefits of a plant-based/vegan lifestyle.

Please, notice how I used the word LIFESTYLE, veganism is not a diet, it is a lifestyle, a way of being where your choices are for the benefit of others and yourself; AND this includes of peace of mind.
Previously, on my first vegan attempt I failed because it was ALL ABOUT ME! I didn’t see the bigger picture about being a vegan or veganism.

I did my due diligence (which I highly encourage you to do too!!!), and I was shocked to learn what I did.

All my life I have been very fortunate, I am truly blessed and I have taken my education very seriously so I was in a position where I could see and understand how I was conditioned to be and act in a specific way and quite frankly I was not ever given the choice to be a meat eater or something else, like a veggie or a vegan.

Many slogans and phrases tell us to eat and consume animal products and by-products and that is OK, I have no problem with it, we all make our own decisions.

I have made mine, too!

When I started this journey, I started as a plant-based vegan, and what that means is I was doing it for health reasons or to drop a few pounds, which I did by the way, all 28 of them.

In case you were wondering about my liver, I was told (very coldly, by the way!):

You have a fatty liver, if you carry on doing what you were doing you are going to kill yourself!

(Oh, she knew how to deliver that!)

So, she continued…

Just in case you don’t understand what that means… you have a foi gras as a liver!

God, she knew how to paint that picture!!!

I got these news on my 3rd month as a vegan (or first trimester – if my vegan baby is coming!) and I dread to imagine what these results had been like if hadn’t been doing something different.

The more and more I learned the more I was able to see the bigger picture…

As a plant-based vegan I was NOT making any difference at all!

Wearing leather, wearing fur (which I did have till not so long ago!) is still encouraging industries to rear animals and that that is NOT who I want to be, a promoter of cruelty and destruction.

I also understood that as a spiritual person, healer and someone in personal development encouraging these industries was against what I was promoting, against the brand I want to be/have, in terms of health and morality!

I felt cheap and a hypocrite to have leather and fur in my wardrobe and call myself a vegan.

Yes, I get some people’s arguments; the animal is dead and all of that…

The truth is…


Did you know we are overfishing and killing fish that are too small or have no use for us?

Did you know it takes tons and tons of animal feed to feed these animals and the same space could be used to feed the starving people in the world?

Did you know we are killing the planet by taking away forests so we can have food and space for these animals?

I can’t give exact figures… but use your imagination, it is a lot of animals and a lot of space.

It gets worse… (sorry not my intention!)

We are killing ourselves when we eat animal flesh (that is what it is!), and animal by-products… they take energy from us!!! The nutritional value is NOT worth the hassle.

Then we go onto the pollution… our greed and lack of sensitivity have caused us to throw our waste and rubbish everywhere… punishing little selfless animals and people who have done nothing to deserve it!!!

I even laugh when I watch people asking for money to save an endangered species… WE have driven that animal to almost become extinct by messing its environment and then ask for £3/per month to save it???

Does that even make sense?

To save those animals we have got to STOP messing with their environment and killing them because they may eat our “meat”…

WE do not make sense…!!!

There are countless other examples that have made my desire to continue this lifestyle for ever because I do not wish to contribute to the extinction of our planet, not on my watch or on this lifetime.
We talk about love, loving our neighbours, loving our children, loving pets, loving god and the truth is: OUR ACTIONS DEMONSTRATE THE OPPOSSITE!

I am not here to judge or criticise, I am here to share with you why a meat eater like I used to be, in fact many of my friends say: you were the biggest meat eater I knew; I am here to shine a light onto what it means being a vegan and why reducing the amount of animal products or even becoming vegan can be the solution to many of our human problems.

I swore I’d never be one of “them” vegans, and here I am now proud to be one of THEM, because these were visionaries who decades ago saw what was coming and we have failed to put a stop to it.

It is NOT too late, we can turn things around and start living greener and healthier lives; I am 100% here to promote the salvation of humanity’s health and our planet.

I have met many people who think their actions don’t matter and they are wrong, ALL of our actions matter AND it is the compounded effect of all us doing something that can make a huge difference, starting today!

WE ALL MATTER and I am here to remind you of that!

I am here to tell you that you can save not only the planet but BILLIONS of lives, including yours.

That my dears is why I AM A VEGAN!

Thank you for reading and please share this post,

With all my love,
