Tuesday 16 January 2018

Why Should I Work With A Confidence Coach?

Why Should I Work With A Confidence Coach?

When I was a teenager talking to people about my personal life was a huge thing for me, I learned all the tricks under the sun to avoid talking about my life AND the truth is I was the one who was missing out, I was the one who was robbing himself from some useful advice and/or help.

As a teenager I had zero confidence, to the outside world I was “OK” when in reality I was NOT OK, I blagged my way through lies and pretences; no one knew where I lived (I was ashamed of our poverty), no one knew much about my life (I felt there was nothing to share about it), I was very depressed and weeks/days away from attempting suicide.

I was outted to my mother for being gay, I lost any hope I had to have a normal life in a matter of days, some of my teenage years sucked! and big time!!!

It took me years to learn to fully love and accept myself as I was with all my positive qualities and flaws. From the age of 16 to 18 I attended a weekly therapy group for gay men, here we’d talk about our lives and what was going on and we’d coach each other.

This helped me in two ways:

1) I learned how some people struggled in other areas of their life and that was equally as painful as what I was going through, I understood that someone’s pain is as valuable as mine, and
2) I understood the importance of opening and talking to someone or people who can help us and coach us in the right direction.

I started with this brief summary of where I was almost 20 years ago, I had no hope for my life, I had visualised a pretty dull and pointless life for myself; in fact, I had very little going for me.

However, life had other plans for me.

I became the last thing I ever thought I would become, a Therapist and Coach helping people to grow in confidence AND regain control of their lives, achieving their dreams and making a difference in the world.

I never saw it coming if I am honest! I was interested in the mind and helping others, but I never put them together, never mind professionally.


Why work with a confidence coach?

If you feel:
  • You have little or no self-confidence,
  • You are lacking in the certainty department,
  • You feel you don’t matter or value,
  • You aren’t worth listening to,
  • You are depressed, or
  • What is the point in being alive.

Then, a confidence coach is the right fit for you, why?

Because they have the tools necessary to help you overcome your lack of confidence.

Confidence coaches, like myself, have studied confidence and what is like to have little to no self-confidence.

In my case, I became interested and involved with clients lacking in the self-confidence department for two reasons:

  • My personal experience from the past, I was lacking so much confidence that it led me to a depression I wasn’t even aware off and ultimately almost cost me my life, the day I decided to end my life. When you don’t have confidence or self-esteem there is a price to pay, this is relationships, level of success and sometimes even our lives, and
  • When I was studying management, I carried out a research at work and I learned that many if not most employees had low self-confidence and low self-esteem because they felt unworthy of and useless for their roles, which led to poor performance at work.

We also hear stories of people whose lives have been wasted because they never addressed their “problems” on time, leading them to a life of scarcity, misery and loneliness.

Working with a confidence coach helps you get the results you want, they work with your exact “problem” and the solutions and goals will be unique to you, so you prevent the worst-case scenario ever becoming a reality.
The truth is coaching isn’t a “miracle”, it is preventative AND it moves you towards what you want rather than away from it towards that what you don’t want.

One thing clients have to understand is that it takes time to see results, sadly some people think that one session will sort their lives out! Rome was not built in one day and frankly, if some has 4 decades of mess to clean, surely it will take more than 1 hour!

I will give you my example I was very fortunate that my journey started when I was 16. At this age I sought help for the very first time AND I was willing to make it work; now almost 20 years later there are “ghosts” or “issues” from the past that come and haunt me every now and then.

This work is continuous, it never ends because we never stop growing; also, from my personal experience just because you are confident in one are of your life, it does NOT mean you will be confident in every other area, it isn’t that simple.

Working with a confidence coach helps you recognise your blind spots and what steps to take and you will have someone by your side cheering you on all the way to your goal and facilitate feedback when things don’t go as planned.

In Summary

A confidence coach is someone who knows and understands what it is like to have no confidence and they have the tools to help you become more confident and assertive in your life.

This process takes time and your coach will have your back every step of the way because when you win your coach wins too.

Thank you so much for reading and if you want a confidence coach why not take a free-20 mins consultation and find out how I can help you starting today.

Have a wonderful day.

With all my love,


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