Monday 9 January 2017

Aligning your thoughts with what you want

Aligning your thoughts with what you want

I remember many years ago when I heard of The Secret for the very first time, I was extremely excited, I could not believe we had finally found that missing bit of information that would enables to have the lives we always wanted AND most importantly effortlessly…
The reality is, it was too simple!
It was just too easy and always hard to believe that we could have anything, just by the power of our thoughts and The Law of Attraction.
So, I guess this concept put some people off (I was more cynical than put off by it – if I am being honest), and some interest was lost.
Saying this, I want to share with you how I have learned to interpret the message in The Secret and The Law of Attraction.
When we want something in life, be it a car, or a new partner, or to get that promotion at work; regardless of what it is, it ALL start as a thought, a single thought.
This thought gives birth to an idea of what life can be life when (see how I am saying when not IF!), we get that car, or meet our new partner, or get that promotion; this idea when decorated with all the different possibilities and what it will do for us is what we call a Vision.
In very simple words:
A Vision is seeing things the way they can be, not the way they are.
So, we have a thought which then becomes a vision and then what?
This is when The Law of Attraction comes in… this is the moment when we align our thoughts with that vision, we write it down as a goal or well-formed outcome that will inspire us, we get creative and make ourselves a nice vision board of what our lives will look like when we get what we want, we visualise ourselves being there, doing those things and enjoying the rewards.
However, it isn’t that easy, we have to do a few things that will help us materialise this goal or vision, these are:
  1. Action: a goal without action is just a dream, and dreams do not come true if we don’t do a single thing to make them happen… So, get to work if you want that vision to become a reality.
  2. Have a why: a why is the reason we do what we do, is why we get up at ridiculous o’clock to do what it takes to make that vision a reality.
  3. Remind ourselves of our goal/vision: if you aren’t familiar with visualisation, affirmations, goal setting or vision boards, I would encourage you to find out more, these tools help to remind us of what it is we want and why we are doing it. So, why do we need reminding? This internal repetition of our goal/vision is what will help us find the how, which is the strategy that will get us there, the more we think about our goal, the more we will be working in ways to make it a reality. And,
  4. Empowering habits: there always is a reason why we haven’t that what we want… let me explain this, if we had a way to get that car, partner or job we wouldn’t even bother thinking about it. However, the main reason we don’t have those things is because we do not have the skills or strategies to get them, so developing empowering habits is fundamental to ensure we accomplish our goals.
The truth is, there is no secret to The Secret, if there was a secret it would be:
Do what you know you have to do to create the results you want.
Rome wasn’t built in one day, it took years, decades to become the empire it did.
Can you imagine it Rome was built in one day? Surely, they wouldn’t have become the empire they did if they hadn’t built the solid foundations to support and guard their people.
The same applies to our goals, they become a reality once we have built the foundations in which they can materialise.
I hope you have enjoyed today’s read.
With all my love,


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